
Showing posts from July, 2020

Managing Nutrition

Dangers of Being Obese     Dietary habits that start early in life are a big factor in body weight, especially obesity. In the US, the CDC reports that obesity reports have risen drastically. If a person's body weight is 20% than it should be (or higher), they are obese. Issues associated with obesity include high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, stroke, sleeping issues, and much more. Choosing Healthy Nutrition     There are recommended ranges for nutrition that a person should follow when eating: Proteins should be 10-35% of total calorie intake Carbohydrates should be 45-65% of total calorie intake Fat should be 20-35% of total calorie intake      There are certain foods and ingredients one should avoid. For example, processed foods like frozen pizza, fast food, and snacks. Ingredients that have high amounts of trans-fats and saturated fats are a danger. High fructose corn syrup is another ingredient that should be avoided, as it is found in several sweets. This syrup could s

Choosing Appropriate Activities

Choosing Appropriate Activities     When choosing physical activities to participate in, it's important for a person to now their limitations. This includes health conditions, attitude, reasoning, environment, weather, and others. For example, if a person has asthma, they should not sprint 5 miles straight. Safety should always be a top priority. Exercising in hot weather/environment could likely cause heat stoke, exhaustion, and cramps. Exercising in weather that is too cold could result in hypothermia and frostbite. Dangerous environments like unsafe waters should not be a place for a person to swim their laps.  Caloric Balance     Caloric balance describes the difference between the calories a person burns and the calories they consume on a daily basis. Calories can be burned in 2 ways. The body itself burns calories by maintaining heart beat, digesting food, creating new cells, and other processes. The second one is through physical activity like sports, going to the gym, and o

Assessing One's Health & Fitness

Types Of Training          When making a fitness plan, there are 3 types of training that should be incorporated. Each one includes different techniques, targets, and sports. The trainings are categorized into cardiovascular, resistance, and flexibility. Cardiovascular Training     Sometimes referred to as "cardio" for short. A person's ability to get oxygen and blood to the muscles is described through cardiovascular fitness. When a person is working out and their pulse quickens/breathing gets deeper, their cardiovascular system is in use. The intensity of one's workout should depend on their target heart rate, the beats per minute one should work at. This rate is typically supposed to be 60-80% of your maximum heart rate, the theoretical beats per minute the heart is capable of producing. This could be calculated by using "220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate"     Depending on your heart rate and skill level, one can pick between low, medium, and high intensity