The Importance of "Total Wellness"


 There are 3 different types of wellness. These include Social, Mental/Emotional, and Physical wellness. In order to achieve Total Wellness in one's life, they must have all 3 balanced. 

Social Wellness

    Social Wellness mostly refers to one's ability to socialize with people around them. Being able to interact well and listen to what other's have to say is a good indication of social wellness. A good example is how you communicate with coworkers or classmates. However, as technology advances further and further, people have began to have worse social wellness than before. I speculate this is because a person could hide behind a screen, isolate themselves, and communicate to a large audience without having to see them face to face. My advice to social wellness is be considerate, be a good listener, and have good hygiene. People are less likely to interact with people who do not have good hygiene. 
    Social Wellness includes sustaining healthy relationships with friends and family. Besides the advice giving previously on social wellness, other tips to maintaining friends is being reliable, open-minded, and respectful. It's difficult for one to make friends if they have a negative attitude and are hard to get along with.  A parent usually knows best so a child should try their best to respect their authority! Even when it's hard to. 

From TJ Magazine: Let's talk | Training Journal
Citation: Cosgrove, Emily. From TJ Magazine: Let's talk | Training Journal. 2019. Training Journal,

Mental/Emotional Wellness

    Having good mental/emotional wellness is key. Mental health is just as important as physical health, however, mental health can not always be displayed. One can look healthy but have poor emotional wellness inside. Emotional health refers to how a person reacts to situations that occur in life. Stress is an obstacle that everyone faces at one point or another, there is even different stages of stress and ways to cope with them. Setting appropriate goals and focusing on your strengths may help reduce the stress a person is facing. 
    One common way a person manages their stress is through defense mechanisms. These are responses to for people to protect themselves against events they do not want to think about or resolve. One example is an escape or fantasy. This is when someone runs away from the problems occurring in their life using things like excessive sleeping and dreaming. 

Stress Eating

    Another common way of dealing with stress is irregular food habits. Stress induced eating habits are when one either overeats or eats less than they should in times of stress. People who suffer from mental health issues like depression may begin craving sugary or fatty foods when under pressure. Other teenagers actually lose their appetite during similar situations. In these cases, they lose weight and are nutrient deficient- meaning not having enough of a specific quality or ingredient. 
    Luckily, there are ways to avoid these unhealthy eating habits and maintain good mental wellness. This includes not going on a food binge before bed, not skipping meals, and taking your time to eat. (There is no rush!)
    In the next post, physical wellness will be discussed, so stay tuned! 

Module One
Sources: “Log In to Canvas.” Ccsd.Instructure.Com, Canvas, 2020, Accessed 10 June 2020.


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